Join us

We invite your university to become part of our unique community, united by the common goals of environmental, economic and social sustainability.

As a member of our Network, you join a group of leading educational institutions that are actively implementing sustainability principles in their academic programs, campus life and research initiatives.

Membership benefits:

  • Knowledge and experience exchange: Gain access to exclusive resources and best practices from leading universities from around the world.
  • Networking: Participate in events, conferences, festivals and working groups where you can establish connections with like-minded people and experts in the field of sustainability.
  • Joint projects: Become part of initiatives aimed at solving global environmental and social challenges.
  • Support and resources: Take advantage of opportunities to receive advice, methodological materials and innovative ideas for the implementation of your own sustainable projects.

We support and encourage your efforts to advance sustainable development and are pleased to offer comprehensive support to achieve your goals.

Join us and become part of the global movement for sustainable development in education!

For questions about cooperation, please contact us at:

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