Network Mission is to inspire and support the Network members and stakeholders in integrating sustainable lifestyles and circularity into three university dimensions: education, operations/infrastructure and research.
On education:
to carry out academic exchanges (by specialists, representatives of outside organizations) in order to strengthen cooperation;
work collaboratively on the development and use of sustainability curricula.
On operations and infrastructure:
to cooperate in the exchange of information in the field of sustainable technologies, educational programs and research, the introduction and use of innovative, resource-saving and other environmental management technologies for rational environmental management in the territory of universities in Central Asia and South Caucasus;
organize joint projects in the field of green campuses, ecology and natural resources, circular economy, "green incentives", and professional development of specialists, scientists and other employees of third-party organizations.
On research:
carry out joint publications of scientific, educational and methodological works in the Central Asian Journal of Climate Research and Sustainable Development and in other journals of SLUN members;
carry out collaborative sustainable scientific research.
For questions about cooperation, please contact us at: